Glossary of terms – Wavecom EasySatSystem (W-PCIe, W-PCI) V1.1.00 User Manual

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WAVECOM EasySat System for W-PCI/e V1.1.00 User Manual

Glossary of Terms


Glossary of Terms


A device used to boost the strength of an electronic signal.


A device for transmitting and receiving radio waves. Depending on their use and operating frequency, an-
tennas can take the form of a single piece of wire, a dipole a grid such as a Yagi array, a horn, a helix, a
sophisticated parabolic-shaped dish, or a phase array of active electronic elements of virtually any flat or
convoluted surface.


The International Maritime Satellite Organization operates a network of satellites for international trans-
missions for all types of international mobile services including maritime, aeronautical, and land mobile.
Established in 1979 to serve the maritime industry by developing satellite communications for ship man-
agement and distress and safety applications, INMARSAT currently operates a global satellite system
which is used by independent service providers to offer an unparalleled range of voice and multimedia
communications for customers on the move or in remote locations.
INMARSAT-A: INMARSAT original phone, fax and data system
INMARSAT-B: Digital successor to INMARSAT-A
INMARSAT-B HSD: 64 Kbit/s high speed data option
INMARSAT-C: Store-and-forward data through briefcase terminals
INMARSAT-D, D+: Global messaging and data broadcasts to pager-sized terminals
INMARSAT-E: Global alerting services via INMARSAT
INMARSAT-mini-M: INMARSAT smallest satellite phones for voice, fax and data
INMARSAT Aero-I: INMARSAT latest aeronautical satcoms service


The frequency range from 0.5 to 1.5 GHz. Also used to refer to the 950 to 1450MHz used for mobile com-


Low Noise Amplifier.
A preamplifier usually mounted on a receiving dish antenna designed amplify weak signals and contribute
the least amount of thermal noise to the received signal.