WattMaster WCC III part 16 User Manual
Page 7

WCC III Technical Guide
Globally Addressable Control Points
Globally Addressable Control Points
The main differences between the different types of SAT 3C/D/F controllers primarily have to do with the amount of data from
the various TUC/RTU type controllers that then can be globally addressed to a logical control point within the existing satellite
data structure and then used within the WCC III system as a recognizable control point.
The SAT 3D controller can allow each TUC/VAVZ II controller to have up to 4 Analog logically addressable control point values
and 2 Binary logically addressable control point values that can be globally used within the WCC III program. These address-
able control points are “shoehorned” into the existing satellite data structure. As such, there can only be 32 TUC/VAVZ II type
controllers connected via the TUC communications loop to the SAT 3D controller. Each one of the SAT 3D controllers takes up 4
physical satellite addresses.
The SAT 3F controller can allow each TUC/VAVZ II controller to have up to 8 Analog logically addressable control point values
and 8 Binary logically addressable control point values that can be globally used within the WCC III program. These addressable
control points are “shoehorned” into the existing satellite data structure. As such, there can only be 16 TUC/VAVZ II type control-
lers connected via the TUC communications loop to the SAT 3F controller. Each one of the SAT 3F controllers takes up 4 physical
satellite addresses.
The SAT 3C controller can allow each RTU/TUC controller to have up to 32 Analog logically addressable control point values
and 48 Binary logically addressable control point values that can be globally used within the WCC III program. These addressable
control points are “shoehorned” into the existing satellite data structure. As such, there can only be 8 RTU/TUC type controllers
connected via the TUC communications loop to the SAT 3C controller. Each one of the SAT 3C controllers takes up 8 physical
satellite addresses.
Typical Control point data from a single VAVZ II controller that is connected to a SAT 3F controller. (Please note: These points
are application software specifi c.)
XXXA1 - Room Temperature
XXXA2 - Carbon Dioxide
XXXP1 - Damper Position
XXXP2 - Proportional Heat Signal
XXXR1A - Heat/Cool Demand
XXXR2A - Discharge Temperature
XXXR1B - Airfl ow CFM
XXXR2B - Supply Air Temperature
XXXL1 - Override
XXXL2 - Heating Mode
XXXL9 - Generic Alarm
XXXL10 - Cooling Mode
XXXK1H - Not Used
XXXK1C - Not Used
XXXK2H - Not Used
XXXK2C - Not Used
XXXXO1 - Fan
XXXXO2 - Heat Relay #1
XXXXO9 - Heat Relay # 2
XXXXO1O - Auxiliary Heat
XXX = 1 to 239 and corresponds to the satellite address of 1 to 239.
Typical Control point data from a single TUC2R controller that is connected to a SAT 3D controller. (Please note: These points
are application software specifi c.)
XXXA1 - Room Temperature
XXXP1 – Damper Position
XXXR1A - Heat/Cool Demand
XXXR1B - Airfl ow (CFM)
XXXL1 - Override
XXXL9 - Generic Alarm
XXX = 1 to 239 and corresponds to the satellite address of 1 to 239.