WattMaster WCC III Training Guide User Manual
Page 12

Initiating the System ..................................13B-11
WCCIII-MCD2 System Files ........................13B-11
Various I/O Connections .............................13B-12
WCCIII-MCD2 LCD Screen ..........................13B-15
The LCD’s Keypad .......................................13B-15
WCCIII-MCD2 LCD Screens ........................13B-16
BIOS Confi guration for the
WCCIII–MCD2 ..............................................13B-19
Linux Operating System Software
Installation Procedure ................................13B-19
WCCIII-MCD2 On/Off/Shut Down/Reset
Buttons ........................................................13B-19
Setup Time Zone (Choice #2) ....................13B-25
Copy the Backtask Data Files to
USB Drive (Choice #3) ................................13B-26
Restore BackTask data Files to
USB Drive (Choice #4) ................................13B-27
Test APC UPS Connection
(Choice #5) ..................................................13B-28
Restart APC Monitor Server
(Choice #6) ..................................................13B-29
Test Internet Connection
(Choice #7) ..................................................13B-29
Test DNS Settings (Choice #8) ..................13B-29
Update MCD2 via USB (Choice #9)............13B-29
Update MCD2 via NET (Choice #10) ..........13B-29
Reset MCD to Default IP Address
(Choice #11) ................................................13B-30
Reset MCD to Default DNS Settings
(Choice #12) ................................................13B-30
Restart LCD Driver (Choice #13) ...............13B-30
Restart LCD Display (Choice #14) .............13B-31
Shutdown MCD (Choice #15) .....................13B-31
Shutdown and Reboot the MCD
(Choice #16) ................................................13B-31
How to Use the Initial Install and Recovery
Program on the WCCIII-MCD2 with the
install-menu program .................................13B-32
Setup New CrystalFontz 635 Display
(Choice #1) ..................................................13B-33
Restore Backtask DAT Files from
CompactFlash (Choice #2) .........................13B-33
Apply USB Over-Current HOTFIX and
Reboot (Choice #3) .....................................13B-33
Reset {APCUPSD/Webmin/Firewall/LCDd}
to Default Settings (Choice # { 4/5/6/7 } ) ..13B-33
Create New SSH Server Keys
(Choice #8) ..................................................13B-33
Shutdown and Reboot the MCD
(Choice #9) ..................................................13B-33
How to Access the Linux-Based
Functions of the Operating System
of the WCCIII-MCD2 ....................................13B-34
Common Linux Commands that
would be helpful to know for the
WCCIII-MCD2 ...............................................13B-37
The WCC III – MCD Remote Serial
Console ........................................................13B-40
Null Modem Cable .......................................13B-41
WCCIII-MCD2 Backup/Restore Data
to and from USB Drives ..............................13B-43
WattMaster Controls - Ubuntu Linux
Installation ..................................................13B-44
SAT III INTRODUCTION .............................14-1
SAT III - SAT II COMPARISON ....................14-2
SAT III I/O TERMINOLOGY .........................14-3
SAT III I/O LAYOUT SHEET ........................14-4
WCCIII SYSTEM OVERVIEW .......................14-6
SAT III ANALOG INPUT WIRING ................14-8
Table of Contents