Verilink Craft Interface (No Part Number) Product Manual User Manual

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Using the Craft Interface


Verilink Craft Interface

The currently selected card is shown in the command line prompt
which returns after each command. The four-part number shown
on this line is not an Ethernet IP address. It is a Verilink-specific
node address used to identify this SCM or NCM.

Firmware Version

The firmware version revision number appears on the top line. The
controller modules have a revision number series different from
that of individual application modules.

NOTE: The revision numbers shown in screen samples are placeholders

only and do not reflect the revision numbers as they may appear in

your system. Firmware revision numbers vary according to several

factors, including special firmware generated for specific

customers, as well as current release versions.

Shelf Symbols

Directly to the right of the Shelf column:

The M next to Shelf 2 indicates it is a multi-line shelf.

The D next to the Shelf 1 indicates it is a dual-line shelf.

Element Symbols

Modules are represented in the node map by alphabetic characters.
The key to these symbols is included in the Main Menu, beneath
the Shelf/Slot node map.

The shelf master is indicated by an asterisk (*). If a node controller
is present in the shelf, it is also the shelf master. (An exception is
an MLS 2200 shelf configured with independently-controlled
islands.) Some ACP-based modules are able to function as a shelf

Selection Brackets

Brackets around a module symbol in the shelf ([N]) indicate that the
module is currently selected. For example, the brackets around the
letter N in Figure 2 indicate that the NCM is currently selected.

A question mark (?) in place of a module symbol indicates that the
firmware or module is not recognized. Most likely the controller
module firmware is out of date with the new module.

A hyphen (-) in place of a module symbol indicates that the module
has been pulled out of its slot since the last polling or that the
shelf/slot location you have selected is empty.