THD Electronics Flexi-50 User Manual

Page 6

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5. Line Out Switch (Instrument/Line): This toggles the Line Out between –10dB
“instrument level” output for use with guitar-level signals, or +4dB “line level” output for
use into professional sound reinforcement or recording equipment.

6. Master: Connecting a 1/4” mono instrument cable between this jack and the THD
Footswitch allows the THD footswitch to the toggle the Flexi’s Master control.

7. Boost: Connecting a 1/4” mono instrument cable between this jack and the THD
Footswitch allows the THD footswitch to the toggle the Flexi’s Boost control.

8. Switch Input with Boost: This is another unique Flexi feature. With this feature
engaged, the Input level is switched to High whenever you engage the Boost. The effect
of this is to make the boost effect a little more pronounced. Engaging this control
bypasses the front panel Input Lo/High switch (see Front Panel section #2).

9. FX loop: Using 1/4” instrument (not speaker) cables, you can connect line level (+4
dB) effects to the Flexi. The FX loop is after the preamp section, and before the power
amp. Connect the Flexi’s Send jack to your line level device's input, and your device’s
output to the Flexi’s Return jack. You can also use the send to connect the Flexi's preamp
to the return of any other amp with an effects loop in order to use the preamp of the Flexi
with the power section of that amp. Keep in mind, however, that you must always keep a
load attached to the speaker out of the Flexi.

10. Bias Controls: Basically, these controls allow you to match the output of the Flexi to
the tubes being used. The main purpose of putting these controls on the back panel for
you to access them easily is to allow you to change power tubes easily. How to bias the
Flexi using these controls is explained in the next section.

11. Filament Power Fuse: If you need to replace the Filament Fuse, use a 6 Amp Slo-
Blo fuse only.

12. HV Fuse: If you need to replace the HV Fuse, use a 1 Amp Slo-Blo fuse only.

13. Power Cable jack: Use a standard universal AC power cable with your Flexi.

14. Mains Fuse: If you need to replace the Mains Fuse, use only Slo-Blo fuse rated at the
same value as is indicated on the chassis.