Tecfluid M21 Series User Manual

Page 7

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Introduce the float into the top of the metering tube (the thin end should go first). Do this with care
so as not to knock and damage the metering orifice.
Once the float (1) is seated, maintain it in its position using the special tool and turn the instrument
upside down. Using a fine rod of 2 to 2.5 mm diameter (for example a fine screwdriver) as a
guide, slide the bottom float guide and the washer onto the end of the float. Then mount and
tighten the nut (3) using a socket spanner.
Take care to keep the special tool in its correct position during assembly, manually or held in a
vice to make assembly easier.
If you are interested in acquiring the special tool from TECFLUID S.A. please indicate for which
nominal diameter it is required.

To dismount the float, the plug (5) should be unscrewed and the rubber seal (6) removed.
By turning the instrument upside down the float will slide out. Be careful that the float does not fall
and damage itself.
With the float removed, it can be cleaned and the inside of the flow meter can also be cleaned.
Clean with suitable products and soft brushes, NEVER WITH METALLIC UTENSILS.
Once the float is cleaned, slide it carefully back into the metering tube avoiding damage to the
calibrated orifice. Make sure that the point of the float is at the bottom of the metering tube.
Mount the seal (6) in its seating and screw in the plug (5) until a good seal is obtained.

Disassemble the float (1) as previously indicated and check to see if the float has suffered
chemical aggression and the permanent MAGNET has been affected. If this is the case, the float
must be changed and the flow meter will have to be re-calibrated.

These can occur if the calibrated orifice and/or the float are not in a good condition. Check its
mechanical state for scratching, impact or chemical attack. If the float is in bad condition it must
be changed. If the calibrated orifice is damaged the metering tube and the float must be changed.
In both cases the flow meter has to be re-calibrated.