Module height – Sundance SMT373 User Manual
Page 7

Version 1.8
Page 7 of 15
SMT373 User Manual
The SN65LVDM176 main features are following:
• Low-Voltage Differential Driver and Receiver for Half-Duplex Operation
• Designed for Signalling Rates of 400 Mbit/s
• ESD Protection Exceeds 12 kV on Bus Pins
• Operates from a Single 3.3 V Supply
• Low-Voltage Differential Signalling with Typical Output Voltages of 350 mV
and a 50
Load Propagation Delay Times
Driver: 1.7 ns Typical
Receiver: 3.7 ns Typical
• Power Dissipation at 200 MHz
Driver: 50 mW Typical
Receiver: 60 mW Typical
• LVTTL Levels are 5 V Tolerant Bus Pins are High Impedance when
Disabled or With VCC Less Than 1.5 V Open-Circuit
• Fail-safe receiver
• Characterised for operation from -40°C to 85°C.
• Storage temperature range from -65°C to 150°C.
Module height
When the SMT373 is directly connected to the SMT358 as a piggy-back board
(Direct connection version) the resulting height with the top LVDS cables fitted is 1,25
inches (3 cm) from the top layer of the carrier board.
The Remote version of the board can be fitted on a spare TIM site or anywhere else
(as long as 3.3V is provided) and uses SDB cables to be connected to the module.
The height of the module itself including the connectors is 0.5 inches (1.3 cm). So for
example on a TIM slot the maximum height with the cable fitted is 0.75 inches (1.9
cm) from the top layer of the carrier board.