Studio Technologies 68 V.1 User Manual
Page 20

Issue 2, June 1999
Model 68/69 User Guide
Page 20
Studio Technologies, Inc.
for Surround
Their one downside is that they generate a
slight mechanical noise upon activation or
deactivation. If the Model 68 is installed in
a location where this noise is objection-
able, select the configuration to use the
analog switches for muting.
Remote Input Select
The Remote Input Select function requires
configuring two parameters: Mode and
input to be selected. The mode can be
selected from three choices: Disabled,
exclusive, and nonexclusive. As expected,
when configured for disabled, the function
can not be activated. When configured for
exclusive, whenever the function is acti-
vated only the specified input will be ac-
tive. When configured for nonexclusive,
whenever the function is activated the
specified input will be added (summed)
with any other input or inputs that are
already active.
Selecting the input associated with the
remote input select function is simple.
Just choose any one of the four inputs.
Dim Level
The dim function is used to reduce the
monitor output level by a preset amount.
The reduction is in dB relative to the moni-
tor output’s current level. There are four
dim level values available: 10, 15, 20, and
Remote Mute All
Two configuration choices are associated
with the Remote Mute All function: Dis-
abled and enabled. To utilize the function
simply configure it for enabled.
Remote Dim
Two configuration choices are associated
with the Remote Dim function: Disabled
and enabled. To utilize the function simply
configure it for enabled.
Remote L/R Bypass
Two configuration choices are associated
with the Remote L/R Bypass function:
Disabled and enabled. To utilize the func-
tion simply configure it for enabled. Note
that the Remote L/R Bypass function can
be enabled and activated, even if the local
L/R Bypass control is disabled.
Restore Factory Defaults
The restore factory defaults function is
provided primarily for factory use. In
this way a system can be shipped with
the default settings selected. While you
are welcome to use this function, be care-
ful so that your configuration efforts aren’t
wasted. Specifically, be aware that the
reference level is reset to minimum level.
All the other parameters are fairly easy to
set up, but resetting the reference level
would require getting out the SPL meter
and a calibrated signal source. This is a
hassle you may not need!