Configuration, Operation, Rs-485 address id – Studio Technologies 5110 V.3.0 User Manual

Page 9: Connecting input signals, Input sensitivity selection

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Model 5110 User Guide

Issue 6, October 2012

Studio Technologies, Inc.

Page 9

Model 5110

Mic/Line Input Module


RS-485 Address ID

One configuration setting must be per-
formed for applications that implement
remote control of Model 5110 functions.
Up to sixteen Model 5100-Series modules
can “share” an RS-485 data bus, but each
must have a unique address ID. Selecting
the device’s address ID involves setting
four DIP switches. Refer to Figure 5 for

Connecting Input Signals

Two 3-pin female XLR connectors are pro-
vided to interface signals with the Model
5110’s mic/line inputs. Signals with a wide
range of nominal levels can be success-
fully connected. For balanced signals pin 2
should be connected to signal + (high) and
pin 3 should be signal – (low). Pin 1 should
be connected to the cable shield.

Unbalanced signals can also be connect-
ed. In most cases signal + (high) should
be connected to pin 2 and common/shield
should be connected to both pins 1 and 3
of the 3-pin male XLR mating connector.
If this connection arrangement results in
hum or noise it’s possible that connecting
signal + (high) to pin 2 and signal com-
mon/shield only to pin 3 may be effective.

Input Sensitivity Selection

Two pushbutton switches are associated
with each mic/line input and are used to
adjust the sensitivity of the input circuitry.
In the line position the Model 5110 will
provide 0 dB of gain which results in unity
input-to-output performance. A connected
signal that has a level of 0 dBu will result
in a 0 dBu signal on the analog output. The
signal level of the digital output will depend
on the version of Model 5110 module. With
a Model 5110S module and an input level
of 0 dBu, the digital output level will be
–24 dBFS. With a Model 5110E module
the digital output level will be –18 dBFS.

Use the up and down pushbutton switches
to adjust the input sensitivity from the
choices of line (0 dB), 15, 30, and 45 dB.
The Model 5110 is not intended to precise-
ly control the gain applied to an input sig-
nal. The goal is to amplify the input signal
such that it can be effectively transported
to the next piece of audio equipment in the

Figure 5. RS-485 Address ID Settings


Upon power being applied to the module
the signal level and status LEDs will go
through a test sequence, confirming their
performance. Once that has been com-
pleted the unit will begin normal operation,
returning to the settings that were present
at the time of the previous power off.

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