Advanced configuration, Advanced configuration, Auto terminate – Studio Technologies 47A User Manual

Page 17

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Model 47A User Guide

Issue 1, September 2014

Studio Technologies, Inc.

Page 17

beltpacks, such as the Model 34 from

Studio Technologies, Inc. can be directly

connected. There’s also no problem con-

necting single-channel intercom beltpacks

or user stations.

2-Wire Nominal Audio Level
DIP switch 2 allows adjustment of the

nominal audio level for the two 2-wire

party-line channels associated with inter-

face 1. When the DIP switch is in its off

(down) position the nominal level is

–14 dBu. This level is compatible with

intercom beltpacks from manufacturers

such as Clear-Com. When the DIP switch

is in its on (up) position the nominal level

is –10 dBu. This setting is appropriate

when beltpacks from RTS, such as the

BP325, or listen-only talent amplifier units

from Studio Technologies, Inc. are con-

nected. For best Model 47A performance

it’s important that the 2-wire nominal level

selection be made correctly.

4-Wire Nominal Audio Level
DIP switches 3 and 4 are used to config-

ure the nominal level of the input and out-

put circuitry associated with interface 1’s

two 4-wire input and output connections.

Four level settings are available: 0, +4,

+6, and +8 dBu. Prior to setting these

DIP switches it’s important to determine

the nominal audio level of the equipment

connected to the Model 47A’s 4-wire input

and outputs. This may take a little inves-

tigation but is important for obtaining the

best possible Model 47A performance.
The 0 dBu setting is provided specifically

for use when a Model 47A is intercon-

nected with a Clear-Com matrix intercom

system. The +4 dBu setting is appropriate

when standard audio lines with “+4” nom-

inal levels are interconnected. The +6 dBu

setting can be appropriate when intercon-

necting with equipment manufactured in

Europe, such as the digital matrix intercom

systems from Riedel. The +8 dBu setting is

provided specifically when interconnecting

the Model 47A with audio signals associ-

ated with an RTS ADAM-Series of matrix

intercom system. This includes the related

RVON-I/O unit.
When DIP switches 3 and 4 are in their off

(down) position the nominal level is set for

0 dBu. When DIP switch 3 is on (up) and

DIP switch 4 is off (down) the nominal level

is +4 dBu. When DIP switch 3 is off (down)

and DIP switch 4 is on (up) the nominal

level is +6 dBu. When both DIP switches 3

and 4 are in their on (up) position the nomi-

nal level is configured for +8 dBu.



Four DIP switches are provided on the

Model 47A’s back panel. They allow the

two interfaces to be configured for several

advanced operating modes. Refer to

Figure 6 for a detailed view of these DIP

switches. The available configurations

include auto terminate, auto null button,

and factory test.

Auto Terminate

The auto terminate function is designed to

ensure that each 2-wire-to-4-wire interface

circuit remains stable under most operating

conditions. Specifically, 200 ohm imped-

ances are automatically applied to both

pins 2 and 3 of a Model 47A 2-wire party-

line interface when that interface is con-

figured for external power and no external

source of intercom power is detected on