Sierra Video 807110-00 User Manual
Page 10

DigiLinx 1 RU Frame User’s Guide
Skipping “List” Members
A complete “list” contained in any given module’s database template may contain members whose
selection is conditional. If the conditions are not met, that member will be skipped and the next
member in “the list” will be examined. If it does not qualify, it too will be skipped and so on until a
member is found that can be selected. Both parameter and operator type members can be skipped.
A parameter may be skipped for one of two reasons:
1. It is “restricted”. This can be because its value may be irrelevant unless another “boolean”
type parameter is turned on. For example:
The SlideCache module has a parameter whose value reflects the presence of reference video and another
parameter whose value reveals the line mode of that video. If no reference video is detected, then the 2
parameter’s value is meaningless.
2. It is not a member of the “feature set” specific to the module sub-type that is installed. Some
DigiLinx modules have multiple implementations known as sub-types. Not all members of
“the list” are relevant to every sub-type. For example:
An ADC module has a key-only type, a video-only type, and a video & key type module, three distinct sub-
types distinguished by their respective dash numbers. While the ADC module’s database template contains the
entire “list”, only a subset of members may be relevant to a given sub-type. Those that are not will be skipped
when navigating the parameter list.
An operator may be skipped for two entirely different reasons:
1. Its action is to save a read-only value or values. The currently read-only value may be a
member of a set of values, some of which are read-only and some of which are not. When the
user changes that value to one that is write-able, then the “save” operator will not be skipped
when navigating “the list”.
2. Its action is directed at a parameter whose value is password protected and the password is
currently locked or enabled.
Changing Module Parameter Values
When ‘field 3’ is the currently selected field, the user has the ability to change a parameter’s value.
Changes are made with the operator keys – ‘Up’ and ‘Down’, within a range for that value as
specified in the module’s database template.
Types of Values
There are 3 types of values that can be displayed:
1. Signed or unsigned integer – one, two, three or four bytes.
2. Boolean – whose actual value is zero or one, but whose displayed value is translated into an
appropriate string – yes or no, enabled or disabled, etc.
3. String – whose actual parameter value is an unsigned single byte integer, which is used as an
index into a list of strings.
Upon entry into this field, the display will differ slightly depending on the type of value being shown.
Integer values will have a blinking cursor positioned on the rightmost digit (one’s digit). The field
size will depend on the maximum allowed value for that integer and leading zero’s will be displayed
as a blank character.