Sensoray 609 User Manual
Page 13

ECODE S609_Acquire (
HFG hfg, //board handle
HBUF hbuf, //buffer handle
float timeout, //acquisition timeout, seconds
DWORD status //acquisition status
Return values
Returns 0 in case of success, or an error code.
Captures one frame from the board hfg into the buffer hbuf. Possible acquisition errors are
reported in status. See s609.h for the meaning of status bits.
ECODE S609_StartAcquire (
HFG hfg, //board handle
HBUF hbuf, //buffer handle
DWORD acqmode //acquisition mode
Return values
Returns 0 in case of success, or an error code.
In case of a single frame capture mode (acqmode=AMODE_SINGLE), starts capture of one frame
from the board hfg into the buffer hbuf, and returns. In case of continuous capture
(acqmode=AMODE_CONT), starts continuous capture into the same buffer. In the latter case the
acquisition has to be stopped by calling S609_StopAcquire. The application checks the capture
status to determine when the acquisition is complete.
ECODE S609_StopAcquire (
HFG hfg //board handle
Return values
Returns 0 in case of success, or an error code.