Software reference – Sensoray 609 User Manual

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Software Reference


Model 609 is shipped with the software that supports Windows98/NT/2000 platforms. The software

includes a driver (windrvr.sys) and a dynamic-link library (s609.dll). The software is installed by
running setup.exe from the installation disk.

The following procedures have to be followed to properly install the driver:

§ Windows98 : When "Found new hardware..." message appears, point to s609.inf file on the

installation disk. Repeat twice, as model 609 is detected by Windows as a multifunctional

device. Run setup.exe from the installation disk.

§ WindowsNT: Run setup.exe from the installation disk.

§ Windows2000: When "Found new hardware..." message appears, select "Search for a suitable

driver..." and clear all boxes for search locations. After the message "Windows was unable to
locate a driver", chose "Disable the device". Repeat twice, as model 609 is detected by

Windows as a multifunctional device. Run setup.exe from the installation disk.

The following components are installed on the target system:

§ \Windows\System\s609.dll;

§ \Windows\System32\Drivers\Windrvr.sys;

§ A copy of the driver and 2 utility programs in \Program Files\Sensoray\S609 SDK\Driver;

§ The following 4 files in \Program Files\Sensoray\S609 SDK\Include: s609.h, s609.ico,

s609app.c, s609f.h;

§ Sample application source files and an executable in \Program Files\Sensoray\S609


Building an application with s609.dll

The following files are distributed with s609.dll:

§ s609.h – contains data types and constants definitions;

§ s609f.h – contains exported functions prototypes;

§ s609app.c – contains exported functions and helper functions definitions.

When building an application with s609.dll, it is necessary to include s609app.c in the project. All

files containing calls to the s609.dll functions have to also include s609f.h.