Sea Eagle Classic FoldCat (Classic 375FC) User Manual
Page 14
Place the patch on the
damaged area and
press down firmly. Let
the glue sit for 2-4 min-
utes until it appears
tacky. If glue does not
hold, heat patch with a
hair dryer.
A temperature of 160°
degrees will activate the
adhesive and from there
you can press firmly on
the patch until cooled.
DO NOT use a hair
dryer on an inflated boat
and NEVER use a heat
gun on your boat.
2-Part Adhesive
The adhesive that
comes standard in your
repair kit works for most
repairs and installations,
but for more detailed
and extensive repair we
recommend a 2-part
PVC adhesive.
Methyl Ethlyl Ketone
Methyl Ethyl Ketone or
MEK is a solvent used
to dissolve PVC based
glue in case you need
to remove a D-Ring,
glue residue or patch.
MEK is a strong solvent
and can damage the
material to the boat so
use it very carefully and
MEK is very flammable,
keep away from fire, lit
cigarettes or sparks.
When handling MEK we
recommend wearing
rubber gloves. Be sure
to use MEK in a well
ventilated area and
heed all warnings from
the manufacturer.
To remove a patch with MEK, dip a cotton swab and apply
it to the outer edges. The glue will start to dissolve and the
patch will begin to separate from the boat. Continue to
carefully apply MEK to the underneath of the patch and
continue peeling it off. Once removed you can also clean
off any residual glue with the MEK solvent.
To reapply a new patch, allow approximately 30 seconds
for the MEK to evaporate and apply the item to the boat.
Valve Replacement
DO NOT change out the
valve unless you are
sure it is broken. In
most cases the valve
will not leak. Because
the base of the valve is
built into the boat it can-
not be replaced without
cutting the chamber
Should you need to re-
place the valve than we
recommend the follow-
ing tools and methods.
Suggested tools include
channel lock pliers,
valve wrench (included
with your repair kit) vice
grip pliers and piece of
repair material (also
found in the repair kit).