AValon RF DX404 User Manual
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DX404/DX504/DX604 User’s Guide & Operating Manual
The DX404/DX504/DX604 are rugged 4-antenna ‘true’ diversity video
and audio receivers intended for demanding high end video
The DX404 NTSC model tuning range is from 56MHz to 802.25MHz
The DX404 PAL model tuning range is from 56MHz to 860MHz.
The DX504 tuning range is from 900 MHz to 928 MHz (2150 MHz
with Option 4)
The DX604 tuning range is from 2350 MHz to 2500 MHz (2150 to
2500 MHz with Option 4).
All receivers have the following standard feature:
One FM modulated (AM/VSB for DX404) video channel
Two (1 for DX404) FM modulated audio channels
And the following optional features:
Broadcasting industry options
* Talk back audio channel
* Remote control of the receiver via RS232
Security industry options
* Serial communication (RS485/RS422) input port for Pan/Tilt/Zoom
* Alarm output
* 3 analog telemetry outputs
* Remote control of the receiver via RS232
Unless explicitly stated, every reference in this document to the
DX604 also implies the DX404 and DX504. The main difference
between the models is the frequency range.