NewTek TalkShow VS-100 User Manual
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The calibration of the units shown for VU Meter can be changed to suit your preference.
Click the small triangle gadget at left, below the scale, to open a menu offering three
options as follows:
• dBFS (a.k.a., dB ‘Full Scale’) – The modern digital standard.
• dBVU – Familiar to users of typical analog audio mixers.
• dBu – based on a voltage of 0.775 VRMS (a shy scale rarely seen in public, supplied
for completeness, comparison, and the amusement of audiophiles).
TalkShow also provides a full-blown seven-band equalizer in the Return Settings pane,
allowing you to ‘shape’ sound to taste, accommodate sources with different acoustic
characteristics, minimize feedback, or ‘roll off’ unwanted parts of the audio spectrum.