Custom – NCast Digitizer Capture Card v3.0 User Manual
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• This feature allows the user to create up to 10 custom positions for both Main and
PiP sources.
i. Position- User can select one of 10 custom positions. When a
custom position preset is selected, such as “Custom 1”, the user
can establish position and size controls and save them. In the
screenshot below, the PiP input is represented by the white screen,
and the black screen represents the Main input. The “Left” slider
allows the user to position the PiP along the x axis. The “Top”
slider allows the user to position the PiP along the y axis. The
“Width” slider adjusts the width of the PiP window, and the
“Height” slider adjusts the length of the PiP window.
Screenshot 4- Custom
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