Motion Sound KBR-3D User Manual
Kbr-3d, Warning

The KBR-3D can produce extremely high sound pressure levels. Hearing protection is
advised. The KBR-3D must be earthed and connected to a correct power source.
Design Range:
Rotary Channel
Input 1
375 mV RMS
100K ohms
Input 2
50K ohms
Stereo Channel
All inputs
175 mV RMS
100K ohms
Power amp inputs
420 mV RMS
22K ohms
Dry rotary output
420 mV RMS
600 ohms
Tube: 12AX7EH – 7025 – 5751
Power Amplifiers: 100/100 watt RMS main full range amplifiers
45-watt RMS > 800 Hz horn amplifier
Frequency Response: Full Range speakers 50-15 kHz + -5 dB
Horn driver 600 Hz-8 kHz
Speakers: 2 10” Eminence Beta 250-watt, 8 ohms
2 80-watt 3.5X3.5 Ferro-cooled horns, 8 ohms
1 80-watt MS 1.2 proprietary diaphragm horn driver, 8 ohms
Dimensions: 24” W 21” H 16” Weight 68 lbs.
Power: Fuse
117 VAC
50/60 Hz
300 watt
5 amp
230 VAC
300 watt
2.5 amp
100 VAC
300 watt
5 amp
Fuse Location: The fuse is located in the power inlet module on the rear panel. Use only the
recommended size of fuse as stated above.