Monster FlatScreen SuperThin Flat Mount - Up to 27” Screens User Manual
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© 2009 Monster, LLC
7251 West Lake Mead Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89128
Monster Technology International Limited
Ballymaley Business Park Gort Road
Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland
Engineered in the USA and manufactured for Monster to its quality specifications.
Made in China.
Créé aux États-Unis et fabriqué pour Monster selon ses spécifications de qualité.
Fabriqué en Chine.
Diseñado en los Estados Unidos y fabricado para Monster de acuerdo
a sus especificaciones de calidad.
Hecho en China.
“Monster FlatScreen Mounts”, “SuperThin”, “Monster FlatScreen”, “Clean Power”, “PowerProtect”,
“Monster FlatScreen Clean”, the Monster logo, “Monster FlatScreen Cables”, “Monster Power”,
“Monster”, “PowerCenter”, “Monster Cable”, “CleanView”, “TriMode”, the product
and packaging are trademarks or registered trademarks of Monster Cable Products, Inc.
or its subsidiaries in the US and other countries. VESA is a trademark of the Video Electronics
Standards Association.
“Monster FlatScreen Mounts”, “SuperThin”, “Monster FlatScreen”, “Clean Power”, “PowerProtect”,
“SurgeGuard”, “Monster FlatScreen Clean”, the Monster logo, “Monster FlatScreen Cables”,
“Monster Power”, “Monster FlatScreen Clean”, “Monster”, “PowerCenter” and “Monster Cable”
are registered or unregistered trademarks of Monster Cable Products, Inc. or its subsidiaries
in the US and other countries. VESA is a trademark
of the Video Electronics Standards Association.
“Monster FlatScreen Mounts”, “SuperThin”, “Monster FlatScreen”, “Clean Power”, “PowerProtect”,
“SurgeGuard”, “Monster FlatScreen Clean”, the Monster logo, “Monster FlatScreen Cables”,
“Monster Power”, “Monster FlatScreen Clean”, “Monster”, “PowerCenter” and “Monster Cable”
are registered or unregistered trademarks of Monster Cable Products, Inc. or its subsidiaries
in the US and other countries. VESA is a trademark
of the Video Electronics Standards Association.
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