The minds behind the monster powercenter, Design – Monster HTS 1900G User Manual

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THe MInDs beHInD THe MonsTeR PoWeRCenTeR


Richard Marsh – Richard developed
Monster’s patented Clean Power


and is also responsible for several other
groundbreaking designs including the
high-end audio balanced circuit design,
the MultiCap internal bypass capacitor,
and the Servo-DC feedback concept in

power amplifiers – a concept that is used by virtually
every amplifier manufacturer today .

Demian Martin – Demian helped create
several innovative AC power solutions .
He was the co-founder of Spectral Audio
and was the chief designer of their many
pioneering designs for amplifiers, D/A con-
verters, and other high-end audio designs .
He now brings his expertise to Monster

Power’s elite research and development team .

noel lee – Noel Lee, The Head Monster,
is best known for popularizing the concept
of high performance audio cable 25 years
ago with his creation of Monster Cable .
Originally a laser-fusion design engineer
at Lawrence Livermore National Labora-
tory and later a touring musician, Noel has

invented or co-invented over 250 U .S . and international
patents . Monster Power is Noel’s realization of a long-
nurtured vision of making affordable power solutions that
deliver the best possible sound and picture .

Tony DiChiro was one of the founders
of Kinergetics Research in 1971 . Kin-
ergetics developed numerous patented
technologies that advanced the state of
the art in audio technology, and released
highly acclaimed home theater products .
Kinergetics also debuted the first high-end

surround sound processor with THX certification . Tony
currently heads up the R&D team at Monster Cable where
he continues to develop advanced products with cutting
edge features .