Content of the diskette – Meinberg GPS169PCI User Manual
Page 5
Content of the diskette
The diskette contains a driver program that keeps the computer´s system time synchro-
nous to the board time. If the present delivered diskette doesn’t include a driver
program for the operating system used, it can be downloaded from:
On the diskette there is a file called „readme.txt“, which helps installing the driver
correctly. The content of this file is as follows:
Installation Instructions
Execute Setup.exe and choose the installation directory.
By default, the installation directory is:
C:\Program Files\Meinberg\MbgMon
Then shut down the computer, install the Meinberg radio
clock plug-in board into a free slot and reboot.
Now you are asked to install a driver. The driver file
MEINBERG.INF can be found in the subdirectory Driver\PnP
of the installation directory.
After the installation is complete, start the monitor
program MbgMon. Start the time service, control the state
of the reference clock and configure the device(s).
Copyright (C) Meinberg Funkuhren, Bad Pyrmont, Germany