Leprecon® pro lighting equipment – Leprecon LP-900 User Manual
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Leprecon/CAE, Inc. P.O. Box 430 Hamburg, Michigan 48139 810-231-9373
Pro Lighting Equipment
The last 6 preset positions, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are also connected to the
chaser function. The first step in the chase is #7, the second step is #8 and so
on to step #12. Whatever you have pined into these presets can also be
operated by running the chase. You have the option of operating them together
or separately.
At the beginning of the “X” and “Y” scenes, to the left of channel 1, are
submasters. These submasters are labeled “A”, “B” and “C” and they have a two
position switch located above them. These switches will allow the submaster to
be controlled by either the corresponding “X” or “Y” crossfader, or the “I”
independent master fader.
Above each of the controller channels is a 5 position switch. This switch will
reroute that channel to a different submaster fader. While operating in the “X”
scene if you put the selector switch in the “A” position. This fader will be
controlled by the “A” submaster fader. The level of the channel you are using
needs to be up in order for output to appear on that channel.
To adjust the trim of any LEPRECON controller you need a volt meter and a
small flat blade screwdriver. The first item that should be done is to determine
which pin is common with your controller.
On the LP-1000 there is a 27 pin cinch jones type connector. On the 27 pin CJ,
pins 26 and 27 are common and pin 25 is a 28 volt DC source that is used for
another brand of dimmers.
You will need to first turn on your controller. Then with your volt meter’s negative
lead connected to the controller’s common pin and the positive lead connected to
channel number one you then raise all channels to maximum. With all channels
up and a screwdriver in the recessed trim pot you adjust the “max” trim to the
desired level, factory adjustment is 10 volts.
To adjust the minimum voltage you bring only channel one down, all other
channels must remain at maximum output. With the screwdriver in the “min” pot
you turn it counterclockwise to the near zero position.
Once the trim has been adjusted it does not need to be readjusted unless
another brand of dimmers have been introduced.