Q-See QSTD5304 User Manual

Page 43

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QSTD5304 Digital Video Recorder User Manual


Fig 4.13 Basic Configuration

1. Video Format

Select video format in the drop down list. There are two video formats: PAL
and NTSC.

2. Time Position

Select time position on the DVR display in the drop down list.

3. DVR Name

Change the name of the DVR.

4. DVR No.

Give a number to DVR, this can be useful if you have more then one DVR.

5. Date Format

Select the option in the drop down list to change the date format. There are
three date formats: YY/MM/DD, DD/MM/YY, and MM/DD/YY.

6. Buzzer

Select the option in the drop down list to change the length of time the buzzer
will sound.

4.4.2 Live Configuration


button Remote Configuration, and a drop down menu will

appear. There are the Live Configuration window and Color Settings window
shown in Fig 4.14 Live Configuration and Fig 4.15 Color Settings.

Fig 4.14 Live Configuration