Creating, saving and opening fadermaster setups – JLCooper FaderMaster Pro MIDI for OS X User Manual

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Get Bank transfers the FaderMaster’s assignments for the current bank to the software.
Get All Banks transfers all banks from the FaderMaster to the software.

Below the faders are the group membership indicators. Any fader can be a group
master, and any fader can be assigned to another fader group. The indicator below a
fader will display an “M” if that fader is a master. If a fader is a member of another group
the indicator will display the number of the group it belongs to. If the fader is not a
member of a group, then the indicator will be white.

To make identifying groups easier, each group is assigned a color, and the indicators
will show the colors of the groups their faders are assigned to.

Creating, Saving and Opening FaderMaster Setups

In the FaderMaster Pro software, a collection of 20 banks worth of MIDI messages,
group assignments and other settings is referred to as a Setup. A Setup window
contains the data for a Setup. There can be multiple Setup windows, and consequently,
multiple Setups open at once. The Setup in the frontmost window is the one that editing
operations apply to. Clicking the SEND and GET buttons in a window transfer data from
that window’s Setup to or from the FaderMaster hardware.

To create a new Setup, choose New Setup from the File menu. This opens a window
with a completely blank Setup. The setup will be named “Untitled”.

FaderMaster Pro MIDI Software for OS X™