JLCooper FaderMaster Pro MIDI for OS X User Manual

Page 16

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A button will either send the Minimum Value or Maximum Value, depending on the
Button Mode and whether or not the button has been pressed or released. No other
values will be sent, except in the case of the Fader Value Button Mode (see above).

Below the Minimum / Maximum controls, the inspector displays the actual hex values
that the FaderMaster will send when this control is moved or pressed.

For convenience, you can assign the same message to up to seven successive
channels and automatically increment the MIDI channel, or in the case of three byte
messages, the parameter number. So for example, you wanted each fader to send a
MIDI Volume Message (Control Change Parameter 7) on a different MIDI Channel, you
could program the first fader to send a Control Change on MIDI Channel 1 and
Parameter 7. Then at the bottom of the Inspector, just type in 7 for the number of
channels, click on the MIDI Channel radio button and click on the Assign to Next

If the Control Label has a number at the end, as in “Track 1”, clicking the Control
check box before hitting Assign to Next will result in the Control Label being
assigned along with the MIDI Message. In this example, that would result in the faders
being labeled Track 1, Track 2, Track 3, etc. up to Track 8.

FaderMaster Pro MIDI Software for OS X™