Jetway Computer NC9R User Manual
Page 30

Super IO Configuration
► COM1 Port Configuration
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following items:
Serial Port
Use this item to enable or disable serial port (COM1).
Change Settings
Use this item to select an optimal setting for super IO device.
Select RS232/RS422/RS485
The optional modes are: [RS422]; [RS232]; [RS485].
Mode Speed Select
The optional settings are: [RS232/422/485=250Kbps]; [RS232= 1Mbps,
► COM2 Port Configuration
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following sub-items:
Serial Port
Use this item to enable or disable serial port (COM2).
Change Settings
Use this item to select an optimal setting for super IO device.
PS2 KB/MS Connect
For user to set PS2 connect primary devices.
The optional settings are: [Keyboard First]; [Mouse First].
Case Open Detect
Use this item to detect case has already open or not, show message in POST.
► PC Health Status
Press [Enter] to view hardware health status.
► WatchDog Configuration
Press [Enter] to make settings for Watchdog Configuration:
Watchdog Configuration:
WatchDog Timer Control
Use this item to enable or disable WatchDog Timer Control. When set as
[Enabled], the following sub-items shall appear:
WatchDog Timer Val