Gear system and chain – HP Velotechnik trikes User Manual
Page 56

Gear system and chain
worn sprocket or chain ring. We recommend
rust resistant Rustbuster-chains from KMC
with smoothly rounded edges. They also pro-
vide a good gear changing performance.
Caution! When you change the
chain take care that the new chain does
not show any sharp edges or burrs.
delivers spare chains by the
meter via your dealer. For this purpose please
indicate the exact length of your chain or or-
der it a little bit longer if you want to be sure
it fits. You will need approximately. 3,8 m of
The chain length has to be fitted so that the
arm of the derailleur is not fully stretched
when you shift on the big chain ring in front
and the big rear sprocket. The derailleur must
still be able to compensate a shortening of the
chain by 4 cm. Please also see the manual of
the derailleur manufacturer on the choice of
the correct chain length.
Caution! The chain has to be
closed with a special joining link or a chain
riveting tool that expands the ends of the
rivet while riveting (Rohloff revolver). A
poorly joined chain may break, you can
come off the pedals and fall. If you are in
doubt please have adjustments of the chain
length or the changing of the chain be done
by your bicycle mechanic.
Take care that the joining link is not bigger in
size than the other chain links to avoid irregu-
lar chain sounds. We recommend the joining
links by KMC. Every time you change the
chain you also have to apply a new joining link.
Make sure that any chain links in the chain are
not stiff, as this can cause some annoying and
not obvious problems with the gear system.
Make sure that you have not twisted the chain
180 degrees before joining it back together.
Chain tubes
The chain protection tubes are made of a long
lasting plastic that features very low friction,
slow wear and good noise damping. The tubes
protect your clothes against the chain oil as
well as the chain against dirt from the road.
The upper tubes are fastened with an inter-
changeable retention spring, the lower tube
runs through an adjustable clip.
The tubes are worn by the chain and have to
be cut at the ends and expanded again (or ex-
changed) after 3.000-5.000 km approximately,
depending on the chain type and the overall
riding condition. You can extend this mainte-
nance interval by turning the tubes by a quar-
ter turn from time to time so that they do
not keep wearing out in the same place.
The intensity of the wear depends mainly on
the chain type. Please see also the instructions
on "Chain" on page 51.
In order to perform any work at the chain
tubes you'll have to open the chain and finally
close it again. Please see the instructions on
"Chain" on page 38.
The distance of the upper chain tube to the
chain wheel can be adjusted by sliding the
tube in the retention spring. It must be se-
cured with the rubber tube over the spring.