HOT GRIPS 203 (HW - Hidden Wire) User Manual
Model #203 "hw" hot grips

Model #203 "HW" Hot Grips®
HOT GRIPS® Manufactured under one or more of the following Patents:
Canada 1,299,621
USA: 4,471,209 4,937,429 4,990,753
Read through entire instructions before starting installation. If you can not com-
fortably install this product, hire a professional mechanic to do it.
If you want to pre-test the grips, use a V.O.M. and check that each Hot Grip's® resistance
measures approximately 2.4 ohms. You can temporarily wire them in series and test on a
12 volt car battery or battery charger of minimum 3 amps if you desire. Do not leave them
unattended, and do not heat them up for more than a few minutes, because without the
heat sink effect available from the metal handelbars, the grips may be damaged.
Hot Grips® model "HW" (hidden wire) is designed for installation on Ski Doo or Arctic Cat
snowmobiles fitted originally with handlebar heaters with wires that are fed through the in-
side of the handlebars. It must have a thumb-throttle, not a twist throttle.
On model "HW" Hot Grips® the black lead wires are protected from damage by being
located inside the hollow handlebars. They are for SKI-DOO and ARCTIC CAT snow-
mobiles that already have the original equipment hole in the handlebars for their original
handlebar heaters. We do not recommend drilling a new hole in the handlebars as it may
weaken it.
1. Remove original grips on the snowmobile, and clean the old adhesive off the handle-
bar surface. Use a coarse file or coarse sandpaper to roughen and clean the handlebar.
2. Remove existing cartridge heaters ( or foil circuits on the handlebars) and the original
wiring that fed through the handlebars for those heaters. Do not use the original wires,
though you may use the old wiring to "fish" the new Hot Grips® wiring through the han-
3. Expose the original existing wire lead holes on the handlebar (generally near the
center of the steering column.) The original existing wire lead holes were used by the
snowmobile manufacturer to feed wire to the original grip heater devices.
4. Insert a "fish-wire" through the existing hole and feed it out through the open end of
the handlebar. Secure the "fish-wire" to the black Hot Grips® lead wires and pull them
through the existing hole. This step may take a little patience to ensure the black lead
wires don't catch on the inside of the hole. Repeat the operation for the other side of the