Examine the gas line connections, Examine the hoses, Examine the cables – Hypertherm HPR800XD Auto Gas Preventive Maintenance Program Rev.1 User Manual

Page 17: Examine the ground connections, Examine the table-to-workpiece connection

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HPR800XD Auto Gas Instruction Manual 808680


Preventive Maintenance Program

Examine the gas line connections

Spray all of the gas line connections with soapy water. If bubbles appear on a gas line, tighten or replace it as necessary.

Part numbers for HPR800XD Auto Gas cables and leads on page 26 for lengths and part numbers.

Examine the hoses

Examine each hose for kinks or sharp bends that can restrict gas flow or cause damage to the hose.

If the cutting table uses a power track system to support the leads that go from the power supply to the gas console or
torch, look at the position of the leads in the track. Make sure the leads do not twist or kink. This can cause a restriction.

Examine the cables

Examine all cables for scratches or unusual wear. If the outside insulation is cut or has any other damage, replace the
cable. See

Part numbers for HPR800XD Auto Gas cables and leads on page 26 for lengths and part numbers.

Examine the ground connections

Make sure that all components of the system are individually grounded to a driven earth ground. See the

Installation and

Grounding section of your system’s instruction manual.

Examine the table-to-workpiece connection

Examine the work lead (+) connection where the work lead (+) connects to the cutting table.

Make sure that there is no paint, oil, or dirt on the workpiece. This type of contamination prevents a clean metal-to-metal
contact between the work lead and the cutting table or workpiece. It can also cause arc-transfer problems.


Do not clean brass connections with ammonia-based cleaners. Ammonia causes brass to crack and
become brittle.