Hypertherm hd3070 w/manual gas console order form – Hypertherm HD3070 w/Manual Gas User Manual
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HD3070 w/Manual Gas Console
Order Form
Customer Information:
Distributor Information:
HD3070 Power Supply, Manual
078030 HD3070 PS, Man 200V, 50-60 Hz, 3Ø
078023 HD3070 PS, Man 208V, 60 Hz, 3Ø
078024 HD3070 PS, Man 220/380/415V, 50/60 Hz, 3Ø
078019 HD3070 PS, Man 240/480V, 60 Hz, 3Ø
078025 HD3070 PS, Man 600V, 50-60 Hz, 3Ø
HD3070 Manual Gas Console
078059 Gas Console, Manual, HD3070
Remote High Frequency (RHF) Console
078010 RHF Console, HD3070
Leads Between Power Supply and RHF Console
028561 Leads, PS/RHF Console,
15 Ft
028562 Leads, PS/RHF Console,
25 Ft
028563 Leads, PS/RHF Console,
50 Ft
028564 Leads, PS/RHF Console,
75 Ft
028565 Leads, PS/RHF Console,
100 Ft
028737 Leads, PS/RHF Console,
115 Ft
028749 Leads, PS/RHF Console,
125 Ft
Work Cable Between Power Supply and Work Table
023535 Cable, PS/Work Table,
15 Ft
023536 Cable, PS/Work Table,
25 Ft
023828 Cable, PS/Work Table,
39.4 Ft
023537 Cable, PS/Work Table,
50 Ft
023538 Cable, PS/Work Table,
75 Ft
023539 Cable, PS/Work Table,
100 Ft
Quick Disconnect Assembly – 45°
028840 45° Quick Disconnect Assy – PAC184/186
8 Inch Torch Mounting Sleeve
120256 Torch Mounting Sleeve – PAC184/186
Shielded Leads Between RHF Console and Torch
(with blow down check valve & hose)
Order with
028866 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
15 Ft
028867 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
20 Ft
028868 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
25 Ft
028869 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
30 Ft
028695 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
35 Ft
028870 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
40 Ft
128001 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
50 Ft
128083 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
75 Ft
128084 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
100 Ft
Shielded Leads Between RHF Console and Torch
(without blow down check valve)
Order with
028498 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
15 Ft
028499 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
20 Ft
028500 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
25 Ft
028501 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
30 Ft
028502 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
35 Ft
028503 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
40 Ft
128132 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
50 Ft
128133 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
75 Ft
128134 Leads, RHF Csl/Torch,
100 Ft
HD3070 w/Manual Gas Console 1 of 2
Leads Between Power Supply and Manual Gas Csl
028887 Leads, PS/Man Gas Csl,
10 Ft
028888 Leads, PS/Man Gas Csl,
25 Ft
028889 Leads, PS/Man Gas Csl,
38 Ft
028890 Leads, PS/Man Gas Csl,
50 Ft
028891 Leads, PS/Man Gas Csl,
75 Ft
028892 Leads, PS/Man Gas Csl,
100 Ft
028893 Leads, PS/Man Gas Csl,
125 Ft
028894 Leads, PS/Man Gas Csl,
150 Ft
PAC186 Torch
128101 PAC186 Machine Torch with IHS Tab
128102 PAC186 Machine Torch w/o IHS Tab
PAC186 Consumable Parts Kits
128097 PAC186 Consumable Parts Kit w/Torch
128098 PAC186 Consumable Parts Kit w/o Torch
Quick Disconnect Assembly – Straight
028855 Quick Disconnect Assy – PAC186/184
10 Inch Torch Mounting Sleeve
020668 Torch Mounting Sleeve – PAC186/184
PAC184 Torch
028839 PAC184 Machine Torch Assembly
PAC184 Consumable Parts Kit
028842 PAC184 Consumable Parts Kit with Torch
028900 PAC184 Consumable Parts Kit w/o Torch