Guralp Systems Strong Motion User Manual
Page 16

Strong Motion User Guide
RMS (root mean square)
The RMS is computed every second and is the root mean
square of the digital counts for a one-second period. The DC
offset of the signal is removed by subtracting the average from
the MMA calculation. The RMS is a measure of the energy
imparted to the digitiser during a one-second period. The result
is in gal.
SI (spectral intensity)
The spectral intensity is a measurement that attempts to
determine the amount of energy absorbed by structures in the
vicinity of the sensor during an event. The calculation uses a
series of frequency-dependent filters to model structures and
performs an integration calculation to compute the expected
velocity (pseudo-velocity) of these structures.
The result, in kine, is thus an indication of how fast a structure
was moving and thus how likely it is to be damaged. SI
corresponds very closely to physical damage.
Issue F