Warranty and service, If you need service, Warranty – Dacor ERWD30 User Manual

Page 10: What is covered, What is not covered

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Warranty and Service

If You need Service...

Before you request service, please review the Before

You Call for Service section of this manual on page 7. If

you have performed the checks in the Problem Solution

Guide and the problem has not been remedied, please

contact us at one of the numbers below. prior to request-

ing service, it is helpful to be familiar with the terms and

conditions in the Warranty section on this page.
For warranty repairs, call:
Dacor Distinctive service
phone: (877) 337-3226 (u.S.a. and Canada)

monday — friday 6:00




. - 4:00




. Pacific Time

For a list of Dacor service agents for non-warranty

Dacor Customer service
phone: (800) 793-0093

Business hours: 6:00




. - 5:00




. Pacific Time

Contact us through our web site at:
At Dacor, we believe that our quality of service equals

that of our product. Should your experience with our ser-

vice network or product be different, please contact our

Customer Service Team and share your encounter with

us. We will do our utmost to resolve the situation for you

and deliver on our Dacor promise.
If you need anything clarified, just let us know.


What Is Covered

CertIFICate oF WarrantIes: DaCor WarmInG

WItHIn tHe FIFtY states oF tHe u.s.a., tHe DIs-

trICt oF ColumBIa, anD CanaDa*:
fuLL One-Year WarrantY
If your DaCOr product fails to function within one year of

the original date of purchase, due to a defect in material

or workmanship, DaCOr will remedy the defect without

charge to you or subsequent users. the owner must pro-

vide proof of purchase upon request, and have the appli-

ance accessible for service.
Warranty is null and void if non-CSa approved product is

transported from the u.S.

outsIDe tHe FIFtY states oF tHe u.s.a., tHe

DIstrICt oF ColumBIa, anD CanaDa:
LImIteD fIrSt Year WarrantY
If your DaCOr product fails to function within one year of

the original date of purchase, due to a defect in material

or workmanship, DaCOr will furnish a new part, f.O.B.

factory, to replace the defective part. all delivery, instal-

lation, and labor costs are the responsibility of the pur-

chaser. the owner must provide proof of purchase, upon

request, and have the appliance accessible for service.

What Is not Covered

Service calls to educate the customer in the proper

use and care of the product.
failure of the product when used for commercial,

business, rental or any application other than for resi-

dential consumer use.
replacement of house fuses or fuse boxes, or reset-

ting of circuit breakers.
Breakage, discoloration or damage to glass, metal

surfaces, plastic components, trim, paint or other

cosmetic finish, caused by improper usage or care,

abuse, or neglect.
Damage due to installation or operation in damp or

wet environments (except for models specified for

such use).
Damage to the product caused by accident, fire, flood

or other acts of God.

the remeDIeS prOvIDeD fOr In the aBOve eXpreSS War-

rantIeS are the SOLe anD eXCLuSIve remeDIeS. there-

fOre, nO Other eXpreSS WarrantIeS are maDe, anD

OutSIDe the fIftY StateS Of the unIteD StateS, the DIS-

trICt Of COLumBIa, anD CanaDa, aLL ImpLIeD WarrantIeS,

InCLuDInG But nOt LImIteD tO, anY ImpLIeD WarrantY Of

merChantaBILItY Or fItneSS fOr a partICuLar uSe Or

purpOSe, are LImIteD In DuratIOn tO One Year frOm the

Date Of OrIGInaL purChaSe. In nO event ShaLL DaCOr Be

LIaBLe fOr InCIDentaL eXpenSe Or COnSequentIaL Dam-

aGeS. nO WarrantIeS, eXpreSS Or ImpLIeD, are maDe tO

anY BuYer fOr reSaLe.

Some states do not allow limitations on how long an

implied warranty lasts, or do not allow the exclusion or

limitation of inconsequential damages, so the above limi-

tations or exclusions may not apply to you. this warranty

gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have

other rights that vary from state to state.