Fluke Biomedical 07-706 User Manual
Page 7

Figure 1-2
3. Turn on the “Rad-Check Plus” and press the “Reset” button. Set the fluoroscopic controls to
maximum, with the automatic brightness control on. Activate the controls for 10 seconds, and
multiply the “Rad-Check Plus” reading by 6 to obtain the tabletop exposure in R/min. Use a
stopwatch since the clock supplied with most fluoroscopes is usually not accurate for less than
one minute. The resulting exposure rate represents the maximum tabletop output for equipment
operating in the automatic brightness mode.
4. To determine the patient exposure rate for an adult abdomen, use the two aluminum blocks only.
For a child (about 13 cm tissue thickness) or an adult chest, repeat steps 1 to 3 with the top blue
block removed.
5. By repeating this procedure for various voltage brightness settings and the cine controls
(frames/sec), one can determine the patient exposure rate for a variety of operating conditions.
To find the maximum recommended exposure rate, see Table 2 (taken from National Council on
Radiation Protection Report No. 33). *
*The National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements consists of recognized authorities
acting in the public interest. In liaison with other
national and international organizations, the
N.C.R.P. collects, analyzes, develops and
disseminates information and recommendations on
the many facets of radiation protection. Available
from N.C.R.P. Publications, P.O. Box 4867,
Washington, DC 20008.