Flowserve LV1 Lockout and Vent Valve User Manual
Installation instructions, Operation, Lv1 lockout and vent valve

© 2002, Flowserve Corporation, Printed in USA
Automax Valve Automation Systems
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions
Flowserve Corporation
765 South 100 East
1978 Foreman Dr.
Flow Control Division
Provo, Utah 84606
Cookeville, TN 38501
Phone: 801 373 3028
Phone: 931 432 4021
The LV1 Lockout and vent valve is a NAMUR
mounted module for the Automax SuperNova
actuator, with two primary uses. The LV1 may be used
as a compact bypass valve for use with a manual
override to shut off supply air and vent actuator ports.
The LV1 may also be used as a lockout valve which,
when properly implemented, will satisfy OSHA
Standard 1910.47, “The Control of Hazardous
Energy.” The LV1 may be sandwich mounted with
other Automax NAMUR accessories or may be used
with the NPT adapter.
Installation Instructions
Automax sandwich NAMUR mount accessories are
easily installed to the SuperNova actuator, simply by
stacking one on top of the other and bolting the entire
stack to the actuator NAMUR mounting surface.
Orientation of LV1:
The LV1 should be mounted to the actuator with
NAMUR O-ring grooves toward the actuator. The
spool shift lockout knob may be oriented either left or
right. Standard mounting is to the left, with the
exhaust port facing down. Automax recommends
orientation such that water or other contaminants
cannot drip into exhaust port.
To Install:
Follow order of installation below in stacking
accessories. If an accessory is not required, skip
it and proceed to the next accessory.
Order of Installation:
a. LV1 Lockout and vent valve
b. FC1, FCDA, or FCSR flow control
c. APS1 or APS2* air purge system
or NPT1* NAMUR-NPT adapter block
d. A25N* solenoid valve
*One of these accessories should be the
last accessory in the stack. The NPT1
block provides 1/4’ NPT ports in cases
where FC1, FCDA, FCSR or LV1 would
be last accessory in stack.
Properly orient NAMUR accessory (see
appropriate IOM.)
Insert O-rings into O-ring grooves on back face of
Mount entire stack to SuperNova NAMUR mounting
face, using appropriate bolt kit shown in chart on back
page of IOM. Apply Locktite Threadlocker 222 or equal
to screws prior to assembly.
The LV1 functions as a lockable block and bleed valve for
use as a manual override bypass valve or as a air supply
lockout valve. Under normal operation, air flows freely to
the actuator. The spool is shifted to block pressure ports
and exhaust actuator air pressure. A lock may be inserted
into the spool in the block and bleed position.
A25N Solenoid
Used with manual override, the LV1 exhausts internal
actuator pressure to atmosphere, while blocking supply
pressure. Without internal pressure on the pistons, the
actuator may be freely manually operated. The single
exhaust port on the LV1 allows the piston chambers to
draw clean air from each other, rather than drawing
outside air as the actuator is being manually cycled back
and forth. This feature keeps possible corrosive
atmospheres from entering the actuator.
SuperNova Actuator
LV1 Valve
LV1 Lockout and Vent Valve in
Automatic Operation
LV1 Lockout and Vent Valve
B00058-4 (AUTO-17) 3/02
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