Maintenance – Flowserve L120 Series Limitorque Actuation Systems User Manual

Page 26

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Limitorque Actuation Systems L120 Series FCD LMENIM1201-04-AQ – 05/15




6.1 Lubrication

The L120 series actuators have a sealed gear case, factory-lubricated with grease. The thrust base,
when supplied, is factory-lubricated with the same grease as the gear case if the stem nut is factory-
machined for the customer's driven shaft. If a blank stem nut is installed in the thrust base, a tag is
provided on the actuator advising that the base is not lubricated. The gear case can be mounted in
any position. However, mounting of the motor or the switch compartment in the down position is
not recommended. These mounting positions may result in the motor or switch compartment being
saturated with lubricant if the seal fails.

No seal can remain absolutely tight at all times. Therefore, it is not unusual to find a very small amount
of weeping around shaft seals—especially during long periods of idleness such as storage. Using
grease minimizes this condition as much as possible. If a small amount is weeping at start-up, remove
it with a clean cloth. Once the equipment is operating on a regular basis, the weeping should stop.

6.1.1 Lubrication Inspection

Inspect Limitorque L120 series actuators for correct lubrication prior to operating - particularly
following a long storage period.

Each application has its own effect on the actuator and the frequency of these inspections should be
based on the application and the operating experience. The following lubrication inspection schedule is
recommended until operating experience indicates otherwise.

For Gear Case, inspect lubrication every 18 months or 500 cycles, whichever occurs first.

During an inspection consider the following:

• Quantity – Ensure there is enough lubricant so that the Worm and the Worm Gear are totally

immersed in grease regardless of the position. To verify, pull out geared limit switch. Level of grease
should be within 1/2" from bottom of geared limit switch opening.