Flowserve Valtek MaxFlo 3 User Manual
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User instructions - MaxFlo 3 - VLENIM0052-02 02.07
WARNING: Before products are returned to Flowserve
for repair or service, Flowserve must be provided with a
certificate that confirms that the product has been decon-
taminated and is clean. Flowserve will not accept deliver-
ies if a certificate has not been provided (a form can be
obtained from Flowserve).
In most cases, Flowserve products are manufactured
from stainless steel. Products not manufactured from
stainless steel are provided with an epoxy resin coating.
This means that Flowerve products are well protected
from corrosion. Nevertheless, Flowserve products must
be stored adequately in a clean, dry, environment. Plastic
caps are fitted to protect the flange faces and prevent
the ingress of foreign materials. These caps should not
be removed until the valve is actually mounted into the
While unpacking the valve, check the packing list against
the materials received. Lists describing the valve and ac-
cessories are included in each shipping container.
When lifting the valve from shipping container, use
straps through the yoke legs. Take care to position lifting
straps to avoid damage to the tubing and mounted ac-
WARNING: When lifting a valve be aware that the center
of gravity may be above the lifting point. Therefore, sup-
port must be given to prevent the valve from rotating.
Failure to do so can cause serious injury to personnel
and damage to the valve and nearby equipment.
Contact you shipper immediately if there is shipping
Should any problem arise, call your Flowserve represent-
DANGER: Before installation check the order number, se-
rial number, and/or the tag number to ensure that the
valve and actuator being installed are correct for the in-
tended application.
CAUTION: Do not insulate extensions that are provided
for hot or cold services.
Before installing the valve, clean the pipeline of all con-
tamination, carbon deposits, welding chips, and other
foreign material. Carefully clean gasket surfaces to en-
sure a tight seal. Pipelines must be correctly aligned to
ensure that the valve is not fitted under tension.
Fire protection must be provided by the user.
Check the direction of fluid flow to ensure that the valve
is correctly installed. Flow direction is indicated by the
arrow attached to the body. All installation orientations
for fitting the valve into the pipeline are defined at the end
of this manual.
DANGER: To avoid serious injury, keep hands, hair, cloth-
ing, etc away from the plug and seat when the valve is
Whenever possible, the valve should be installed so that
actuator is in an upright position. Vertical installation of
the actuator permits easier valve maintenance.
Connect the air supply and instrument signal lines. Throt-
tling control valves are equipped with a valve positioner.
Connections are marked for the air supply and the in-
strument signal. Check that the actuator and positioner
can withstand the maximum air supply from the network.
The required air supply is indicated on a sticker located
on the actuator. An air regulator will be necessary in cer-
tain cases in order to limit the supply pressure. A filter
is recommended unless the air supplied is exceptionally
clean and dry (air quality without humidity, oil, or dust
as per IEC 770 and ISA-7.0.0). All connections must be
completely tight.
CAUTION: On valves equipped with air filters, the air filter
must point down to perform properly.
3.6 Use the bolts indicated in table I for installing the valve
in the pipeline, and then tighten alternately according to
good practice. The user must in all cases confirm the
capacity of the bolts to ensure a sufficiently tight gasket
seal for the expected service conditions.
Be sure to provide proper overhead clearance for the
actuator to allow for disassembly of the actuator from
the valve body. Refer to the appropriate to the MaxFlo 3
Technical Bulletin for proper clearances. The MaxFlo 3
Technical Bulletin is available at www.flowserve.com.