Maintenance – Flowserve SB Control Valves User Manual

Page 5

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ShearStream SB

FCD VLENIM4152-01 07.09


8. Product code for important spare parts and spare parts sets

8.1 Ordering of Spare Parts

When placing orders for spare parts, specify:

1. Product code of the valve - incl. DN, see part No.

specifi ed on the identifi cation plate of the valve.

2. Description of the part, its item No. or spare

parts set number, and the quantity required.

Ordering example

For ShearStream SB 8782EB-0200-AAAABA,

Part. No. 1234567

1 - Stem upper, item 3


For ShearStream SB 8782EB-0200-AAAABA,

Part. No. 1234567

1 - Stem sealing set, product code 349 08 052

9. Maintenance

If the ball segment or seat ring has sustained damage due

to impurities in the pipework or for some other reason, or

if the seat ring and stem seals need replacing after a long

period of service, the valve must be overhauled.

Many valves are installed in such locations that their

performance is of decisive importance to the entire

process. Such valves should be inspected regularly and

any faults should immediately be corrected.

9.1 To remove the valve from the pipework

The procedure for inspection and maintenance, for

which no special tools are necessary, is as follows:

1. Ensure that the recommended spare parts and

also the gaskets - important - for the pipe

fl anges are available.

2. Close the valve.

3. Shut off all compressed air connections

and isolate all electrical connections to the


4. Disconnect all compressed air lines and electric

cables connected to the actuator.

5. Release the fl anged joint between the valve

and the pipework. Then lift out the valve. Don’t

use the actuator for lifting. Apply all lifting

forces to the valve itself and not to the actuator

- see fi g. 1.

Note the direction of fl ow which is shown by an

arrow on the valve body.

9.2 To inspect the ball sector and seat ring

1. If an actuator is fi tted to the valve, remove it. See

section 9.3, items 1 and 2.

2. Remove the indicating pin (23 - fi g. 4).

3. Turn the ball sector through more than 90°, until

it is no longer in contact with the seat ring.

4. Push the seat ring out of its seat at the valve

body inlet. Withdraw it past the ball sector -

between the ball sector and the inside

of the valve body - towards the outlet, and

remove it from the body.

* Three rings are requested per valve for DN 25 - 100, four rings per valve for DN 150 - 300

Set or detail

Stem sealing set

Seat ring set

Other spare parts


Zebra CL ™


Alloy 6


Item No



11, 12

12, 29





349 08 050

349 25 540

349 08 080

349 17 460 348 88 295

333 98 460


349 08 050

349 25 540

349 08 081

349 17 461 348 88 295

333 98 461


349 08 050

349 25 540

349 08 082

349 17 462 348 88 295

333 98 462


349 08 050

349 25 540

349 06 089

349 17 469 348 88 295

333 98 469


349 08 050

349 25 540

349 08 083

349 17 463 348 88 294

333 98 463


349 08 050

349 25 540

349 08 084

349 17 464 348 88 294

333 98 464


349 08 051

349 25 500

349 08 085

349 17 465 348 88 290

333 98 465


349 08 052

349 25 720

349 08 086

349 17 466 348 88 291

333 98 466


349 08 053

349 25 760

349 08 087

349 17 467 348 88 292

333 98 467


349 08 054

349 25 140

349 08 088

349 17 468 348 88 293

333 98 468



349 25 180

349 17 430

349 20 030 349 15 260

333 00 430



349 25 180

349 17 431

349 20 031 349 15 260

333 00 431



349 25 180

349 17 432

349 20 032 349 15 261

333 00 432