Flowserve Desuperheaters User Manual
Page 17

Desuperheaters FCD VLENIM0115-00 – 09/11
VaporCool MicroNozzle
Follow steps 1-10 to clean or replace the VaporCool MicroNozzle desuperheater.
1. Depressurize the steam line, drain the cooling water line and disconnect the cooling water line
from the desuperheater. Remove the desuperheater from the steam line.
2. Carefully grind off the tack weld between the nozzle and the lance pipe connection.
3. Unscrew the nozzle off of the lance pipe connection.
4. With a straight screwdriver, unscrew the orifice insert inside the nozzle.
5. If cleaning is required: With compressed air blow out the passageways of the nozzle and orifice
insert. Inspect each part for contamination, blockage, and wear. If necessary replace with new
nozzle. Reassemble orifice insert into nozzle and securely tighten with a screwdriver.
6. If different capacity nozzles are required: Obtain the new nozzles from the Flowserve factory.
7. Inspect lance for wear, leaks, or cracks. Replace or repair if necessary.
8. Install the nozzle onto the lance pipe connection with at least 1 to 3 turns beyond finger tight.
9. With similar weld metal (usually 316 SS), tack weld the nozzle onto the lance pipe connection.
10. Install the desuperheater into the steam pipeline in the reverse order that it was removed.
Maintenance of manifold mounted desuperheater nozzles may be required if:
A degradation in cooling efficiency is noted while maintaining constant steam process conditions.
This may be an indication that the nozzles are partially plugged.
The steam process conditions change. If the steam load increases, the nozzles may need to be
upsized to keep the downstream steam at the required temperature.
MaxCool MCX
Follow steps 1-10 and refer to Figures 2 through 4 to clean or replace the MaxCool MCX desuperheater
1. Depressurize the steam and cooling water lines. Drain the cooling water line. Remove cap flange
bolting from nozzle housing and remove nozzle housing cap flange. Remove nozzle seat retainer
with nozzle assembly. Remove gaskets.
2. Carefully grind off the tack welds between the nozzle assembly and the nozzle seat retainer.
3. Unscrew the nozzle assembly off of the nozzle seat retainer.
4. Remove expansion pin from plug. Unscrew castle nut. The MCX 025 has a regular nut and bent
washer in place of a castle nut and expansion pin. Unscrew retainer and remove spring. Remove
plug from seat.
5. If cleaning is required: With compressed air blow out the passageways of the nozzle openings and
clean the seat and plug surfaces. Inspect parts for wear, contamination, and blockage. Replace if
worn or broken.