4 operation, 5reset pump impeller – Flowserve Dual Gas Barrier Seals User Manual
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4 Operation
To assure reliable, long-life operation of your Dual Gas Barrier Seal,
the following guidelines should be observed.
4.1 Do not exceed corrosion limits. Your Flowserve seal is designed
to resist corrosion by most chemicals. However, do not expose
the seal materials of construction to products outside of their
corrosion limits. The seal assembly drawing lists the materials of
construction. Consult Flowserve for chemical resistance ratings.
4.2 Do not exceed the pressure limits of the seal design. Do not let
the barrier gas pressure fall below 2 bar (25 psi) above the seal
chamber pressure.
4.3 Do not exceed the maximum temperature limits of the seal
4.4 Do not operate at speeds lower than the seal's minimum speed,
if applicable.
4.4.1 On startup and shutdown, the seal's speed should be
transitioned between stationary and the seal's minimum
speed as quickly as possible.
4.5 For uni-directional designs, do not turn the shaft opposite to the
direction arrow indicated on the gland.
4.6 Observe the start-up. The seal barrier cavity must be pressur-
ized before pump start-up and at all times during pump operation.
For best performance, do not cavitate or run the pump dry. Open
valves to flood pump with product fluid before start-up. Maintain
the seal barrier gas pressure even when the pump is not running.
Reset pump impeller
To reset the pump impeller, follow plant safety procedures, etc., see 1.1.
• Reinstall the setting devices.
• Loosen the cartridge drive collar set screws.
• Adjust the impeller clearance following pump manufacturer’s
• Tighten the set screws on the cartridge drive collar.
• Remove the setting devices. Save the setting devices and
• Perform steps 2.7 to 2.9.