Buffer/barrier fluid selection – Flowserve CPM Supply Tank User Manual
Page 4

Buffer/Barrier Fluid Selection
The CPM Seal Support Reservoir is designed for use with water barrier
only in conjunction with a water header system.
For an API Plan 53/ANSI Plan 7353 pressurized barrier fluid system
where the method of pressurization is a gas blanket, special attention is
given to the application conditions. Gas solubility in the barrier fluid
increases with the rising temperature and pressure. However, the CPM
Seal Support Reservoir is designed for pressurization from a water
header system. The water header system provides pressure to the seal
when pressurized above operating conditions in a dual pressurized
operating mode. Should consumption of barrier water increase the
header system will automatically refill the tank. The water regulator on
the inlet of the tank determines the point of re-supply. The pressure level
at which re-supply is accomplished is adjustable to suit the application
The condition of the water within the tank should be checked over the
entire operating curve of the application. Particular attention should be
paid during start up conditions. Water on the seal at the time of start up
is a critical condition for longevity of seal life. Also close care should be
taken to ensure water conditions are maintained to avoid pressure
reversals contaminating barrier water with process fluids.
The water should not freeze at the minimum site ambient temperature.
The water should have an initial boiling point at least 50
F above the
temperature to which it will be exposed.
The water should not have a flash point higher than the service