Planning for installation – Fire Magic Deluxe Classic Series 42,000 BTU User Manual

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REV 2 - 1406201000

Fire Magic Barbecues are for outdoor use only.

With our insulating liner (Part #3100-50) you can
safely install your Fire Magic Barbecue in wood
cabinetry or other combustible enclosure.

For easy installation of your Fire Magic Barbecue
a masonry installation hanger (Part #3100-70 for
black fi nish & 3100-80 for Stainless Steel) is available.
It eliminates the requirement for any type of support
structure under the barbecue.

Do not install this unit under unprotected fl ammable
surfaces. Do not install or use this appliance inside a
building, garage, or any other enclosed area including
recreational vehicles or boats.

This is a slide-in type unit designed to fi t into

open-front enclosures. The front panel (face) of the
unit is removable for gas hookup, servicing and burner
adjustment. The face must therefore be removable
after you install the unit.

INSTALLER NOTE: This unit should be installed
so that it can be removed at a later date if factory
service is required. Any protrusion into the barbecue
enclosure may obstruct the frame and prevent the unit
from sliding into place (see "Gas Supply Plumbing
Requirements", on page 4).

You must maintain proper air fl ow for your Fire Magic
Barbecue to perform as it was designed (Figure 1). If
airfl ow is blocked, overheating and poor combustion
will result. Make sure not to block the 1" front air
inlet along the bottom of the barbecue face or the air
vent openings along the outside-left and right edges
of the frame.
Note: The 1" front air space allows access to the
drip tray.

When using propane gas, take EXTREME CAUTION
to ensure ample ventilation of gas vapor. Propane
vapor is invisible and heavier than air. A DANGEROUS
EXPLOSION could occur, resulting in SERIOUS
INJURY, if propane gas is allowed to accumulate and
is then ignited.

Only one cylinder may be stored in an enclosure.
Extra or spare cylinders must be stored elsewhere.
Read and follow all warnings provided with
propane gas cylinders
. Never locate a propane
cylinder below or adjacent to the barbecue unit
unless suffi cient ventilation and shielding is
provided to prevent any heating of the cylinder,
regulator, and rubber hose.

Figure 1 - Ventilation Diagram

Propane Cylinder Enclosures
To prevent invisible combustible gas from accumulating
in your cylinder enclosure, you must provide
ventilation. This is accomplished by EITHER one side
of the gas cylinder enclosure left completely open
to the outside OR by providing four (4) ventilation
openings. Two openings are to be at the cylinder valve
level (Approx. 16” above the fl oor) and at opposite
walls of the enclosure. Two more openings must be
at the fl oor level at opposite sides of the enclosure.
The floor level openings must start at the floor
and shall extend no higher than 5” above the fl oor.
Each opening must have a minimum of 10 square
inches (64.5 cm


) of free area. To achieve the proper

ventilation, you may drill a series of holes, omit the
grout from masonry joints or replace a brick with a
hardware cloth screen. If the fl oor in the cabinet is
raised and the space beneath the cabinet is open to
the outside, the lower ventilation openings may be
in the fl oor.

FOR YOUR SAFETY, you must provide these
openings for drainage, replacement air and cross
ventilation of any storage area exposed to possible
leakage from gas connections, the barbecue or
propane cylinder.

Consult your gas supplier for ventilation and regulator
requirements when connecting to a HOUSEHOLD
propane supply.

Note: Only Fire Magic Barbecue models with the suffi x
-PA- in the model number are approved by C.S.A.
for self contained propane cylinders. Supplemental
instructions are supplied with each self contained unit.

Installer and User Note: Keep electrical supply cords
away from all heated surfaces.

If installed under a patio roof, the grill area should
be fully covered by a chimney and exhaust hood. An
exhaust fan with a rating of 1000 CFM or more may
be necessary to effi ciently remove smoke and other
cooking by-products from the covered area. Installation
in fully-enclosed patio areas is not recommended.

WARNING: Built-in models must be installed
in masonry or other type of fi reproof enclosure.
The unit is not insulated and therefore must be
installed with 18" of side and back clearance from
unprotected combustible materials such as wood,
plastic or stucco with wood framing.


This manual is related to the following products: