Ard sample output, Sample command line script – Faronics Power Save Mac User Manual

Page 28

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ARD Sample Output

Te following fgure shows the sample output from the


function. Te Display all output checkbox

must be selected in the Apple Remote Desktop Edit Task window in order to show the target’s status.

Sample Command Line Script

Te Power Save Mac tasks give network administrators increased fexibility when managing energy

usage on Power Save Mac workstations. Tese tasks can be run with several diferent third-party

enterprise management tools and/or central management solutions; this includes executing commands

in Terminal while connected to a remote workstation via SSH.

A sample script using the


command is shown below:

Library/Application\ Support/Faronics/PowerSave/CLI administrator password

shutdownAfter 30

In this example,


is the name of a valid Power Save Mac user and


is that

user’s password; the number


is customizable to the preferred length of time. Te sample script can

be modifed to run any task listed in the Task table.