EXCALIBUR JK02 Talking Insult Mirror User Manual
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o n g r a t u l a t i o n s o n y o u r
p u r c h a s e o f E x c a l i b u r
E l e c t r o n i c s ’ J a c k i e ’s Ta lking I nsult Mir r o r. To g et th e
mo st f u n f ro m yo ur n ew g adg et , p le ase r ea d th i s o pe r-
a ti n g m an ua l th or o u gh ly, p ayi n g s pec i al at te nt i on t o sa f et y
a nd car e in st r uct i o ns. Vis it o ur Wo r ld Wid e We b a dd r ess a t
w w w. E x c a l i b u r Ele ct r on i cs. co m t o b u y l ot s m o r e o f o ur wa c ky
j o k e pr o du ct s.
our Mirror requires 3 AAA batter-
ies (not included). (Actually, the
mirror will still function quite nor-
mally, the insults just won’t be too
To install the batteries, carefully
turn the gadget over so that the top
side is face-down on a soft surface.
Use a small Phillips screwdriver to
remove the screw (who was this guy
“ P h i l l i p s ,” any way? W hy doesn’t
anybody get the credit for the “reg-
ular” screwdriver? Or was it a guy
named “Regular”?) Lift off the bat-
tery compartment lid. Install the 3
AAA batteries by sliding them up
the barrel one by one, making sure
to match the polarity (+ and -) with
the diagram inside the battery com -
Place the battery compartment lid’s
tabs in their slots and close the
c o m p a rtment door. Wonder out
loud, “Did I put them in right?”
Replace the screw and gently tight-
en it. Do your laundry. Balance
your checkbook. Eat three balanced
meals a day. (Yo u ’ll notice we
decided not to fill this manual with
insults, even though it’s the theme
of this product. You did notice that,
didn’t you, you knucklehead?)
Jackie’s Talking Insult Mirror barks
35 different insults to amuse
passersby. (Actually, it will more
easily amuse the people who stop—
” p a s s e r s by”?) To use Jackie’s
Talking Insult Mirror, first peel off
the protective film on the surface.
Do not feed it to any animals you
like. Then, just pick it up, and you’ll
be pelted with one of the side-split-
ting insults that were recorded by
“The Joke Man” himself, Jackie
Martling, one night when he wasn’t
in the lab working on nuclear fis-
sion. Put it anywhere (someplace
level is best) and watch and listen to