Identifying your music, Identifying individual songs, Identifying multiple songs – equinux SongGenie 2.2.7 User Manual

Page 10: Applying results

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Identifying your Music

SongGenie analyzes, identifies and completes your music
library, making those “Track 01s” history. Here’s how.

Identifying individual songs

If there is a particular song you want to work on, identifying it is a matter of
point and click - it’s really that simple. To help find the song you wish to work
with, use the Search function or select a filter from the drop down menu in
the top left hand corner of the window.

To start Song Identification

‣ Select the song you wish to identify
‣ Double-click the song in the song list to start identification or click Identify

SongGenie will analyze the song and generate an “acoustic fingerprint”, which
will be compared against an online database of songs. Once correct informa-
tion has been found, SongGenie will show the results directly on the song
card above.

The progress indicator

shows you SongGenie is

identifying this song.


While the search is running, you can analyze other songs by simply repeat-

ing the steps above. Results will then appear in the Show Results window.

Identifying multiple songs

Working with multiple songs at once increases productivity no end. SongGe-
nie allows you to select any number of songs and start analyzing for them all
at once.

To identify multiple songs
‣ Hold down Command and click multiple songs or use Shift to make con-

secutive song selection.

‣ Choose Analysis > Identify Songs

If you decide that you no longer want to identify certain songs, you can stop
the identification process songs at any time.

Stop song identification
‣ Select the songs which you want to stop identifying
‣ Choose Analysis > Stop Identification or press Command-. (Period)

Applying results

Once SongGenie has identified a few songs, you can start reviewing and ap-
plying the results.

To show your identified song results
‣ Click “Show Results” at the bottom of the window

Click here to see all

identified songs.