Directed Audio 1200T User Manual

Page 10

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© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc


1. EESSPP PPoorrtt -- Allows programming of

the amplifier using the Bitwriter



2. SSuubbssoonniicc FFrreeqquueennccyy HHzz -- This

control adjusts the subsonic filter
cutoff (between 15-50 Hz).

3. SSuubbssoonniicc FFiilltteerr -- The IN position

places the subsonic filter into the
system, the OUT position takes the
filter out of the system.

4. CCrroossssoovveerr FFrreeqquueennccyy HHzz - Adjusts

the crossover point (50-550 Hz)
for the on-board active crossover.

5. CCrroossssoovveerr SSllooppee SSw

wiittcchh - Controls

the roll-off rate of filter for the on-
board active crossover. Switchable
between 12 or 24 dB per octave.
The 12 dB position functions for
both mono and stereo inputs. The
24 dB position functions for mono,
low pass mode only.

6. IInnppuutt GGaaiinn AAddjjuussttm

meenntt - Controls

amplifier sensitivity and is used to
match the input level of the ampli-
fier to the output level of the signal

7. BBaassss BBoooosstt AAddjjuusstt -- 0 to 15 dB of

additional bass boost. Rotating
control clockwise increases bass

Amp Mode Switches

8. M

Moonnoo//SStteerreeoo SSw

wiittcchh -- This switch

works in conjunction with the
Crossover Slope switch, refer to
item 5 above.

9. CCrroossssoovveerr SSeelleecctt SSw

wiittcchh - High

attenuates low frequencies and is
used for mid-range speakers and
tweeters. Full does not attenuate
any frequencies and is for full range
speaker systems. Low attenuates
high frequencies and is used for
subwoofers speakers.


The 24 dB position is intended only for use with the Mode switch in the Mono position and the the Crossover switch to
Lowpass position. If 24 dB is selected for other operating modes, asymmetrical operation of the 2 channels will result.