Directed Electronics D2400 User Manual

Page 13

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© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc

Refer to figure 5 for wiring details.

1. IInnppuutt SSiiggnnaall - Connect these RCA

jacks as described in the

Front Panel

Connection section of this guide.

2. SSllaavvee//M

Maasstteerr SSw



Set the slave/master switch

on the master amplifier to the
MASTER position.


Set the slave/master switch

on the slave amplifier to the SLAVE


Setting the slave/master

switch on both amplifiers will auto-
matically set the I/O RCA jack
configuration according to each
amplifier’s slave or master designa-


One master amplifier can control up to three slave
amplifiers in this combination. Multiple identical
master/slave combinations can be added to any
given system.

3. PPhhaassee SSw

wiittcchh -- Set the phase

switches of all synced amps to the
same position (all at 0° or all at

4. In order to achieve safe, optimal perfor-

mance, the LPF, Bass EQ, and Subsonic
Filter controls on all synced amps must
be set to the same position.

5. SSiiggnnaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn - Connect an RCA

cable between the OUT RCA jack of
the master amplifier and the SLAVE
IN RCA jack of the slave amplifier as
shown in the Figure 5.

6. SSuubbw

wooooffeerr SSppeeaakkeerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonn - In

this amplifier combination each
amplifiers must drive its own sepa-
rate subwoofer(s). Connect the
speaker terminals of each amplifier
to any combination of one or more
subwoofers that results in nominal
impedance between one (D600))
and four ohms. Make sure that each
amplifier sees the same speaker


WAARRNNIINNGG:: The amplifier’s gain control is bypassed completely

in SLAVE mode. Do NNOOTT move the MASTER/SLAVE
switch to SLAVE position when the amplifier is
connected and playing. Do NNOOTT connect any signal
source to the amplifier in SLAVE mode that
exceeds 200mV.


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