300 series console layout – Diamondback Fitness 300U User Manual
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3 0 0 S E R I E S O W N E R’ S M A N U A L
300 Series Console Layout
Display Windows
• The 300 console features 5 LCD windows displaying: Time, Speed, Distance, Calories and Pulse
• Pulse reading window: place your hands on the both of contact heart rate sensors to get a reading.
• One large LCD window displaying:
o Resistance Level: The selected resistance level will be indicated by the bar graphic display.
o Time, Speed, Distance, Calories or Pulse: To select the display of any of above Data, simply press “MODE” key
during anytime of the program.
o Scan: Each Data will be displayed for 5 seconds.
• START/STOP key: Press START/STOP key once to start or pause the program. Press and Hold for 2 seconds to
Reset the console.
• UP/DOWN key: Press UP or DOWN key to adjust the default reading of Time, Distance and Calories during the
• MODE key: To select a different data display on the large LCD window or to select a different program.
Console Setting
• Power Up: Console is powered up by 2AA battery.
• Pause mode: If there is no speed been detected for 25 seconds or Start/Stop key been pressed once during the
program, Console will get into Pause mode, the large LCD will display “PAUS”. To resume the program during
pause mode, press START/STOP key once.
• Power save mode: If there is no speed been detected for 5 minutes, Console will get into Power save mode, no
display at any window. To start the console, simply press any key or start pedaling the bike.
Console Layout: