Gen i, ii, & iii led scoreboards, Horn plate assembly installation, 4 trumpet horn installation – Daktronics Scoreboard Trumpet Horn User Manual
Page 8: Preparation, Installation, Trumpet horn installation
12 VDC Trumpet Horn Installation (LED)
GEN I, II, & III LED Scoreboards
Attach the horn interface card inside the scoreboard driver enclosure and make the proper
wiring connections from the horn interface card to the driver per Drawing B-302328, detail B.
Refer also to Drawing B-242731, center and right details.
If the scoreboard is Gen III and built from April - November 2006, a horn
interface harness kit (0A-1192-1692) is required.
If the scoreboard is Gen III and built prior to April 2006, an adaptor harness
(0A-1192-1687) is also required.
Horn Plate Assembly Installation
Reference Drawings:
Plate Assy: Outdoor SCBD 12VDC Horn, AS5K ................................... Drawing A-128944
Drawing A-128944 shows the components of the horn plate assembly.
1. Open the horn entrance panel (see Section 1.2).
2. On the interior of the back panel of scoreboard, drill two
" holes 4" apart
(these holes may have been pre-drilled at the factory). The enclosure is to be attached
to the inside of the scoreboard and accessible when the entrance panel is opened.
Note: Be careful not to damage any internal components when drilling!
3. Attach the enclosure to the scoreboard using the #10 tapping screws provided.
4. Attach the plate assembly to the enclosure using #10 tapping screws provided.
5. Attach the cover to the enclosure using the #10 tapping screws provided.
1.4 Trumpet Horn Installation
Reference Drawings:
F.Assy: 12V DC Horn Mounting- Outdoor LED SCBD .......................... Drawing B-242731
Horn Assembly ...................................................................................... Drawing A-320004
1. Insert bushings into the appropriate
" holes in the mounting angle.
2. Thread the two gray wires from the horn through the top of the mounting angle.
3. Attach the horn to the mounting angle using the #10 hardware provided.
4. Thread the two gray wires through the
" hole in the rear of the mounting angle.
Reference Drawings:
Template, Hole Drilling, Trumpet Horn .................................................... Drawing A-83502
F.Assy: 12V DC Horn Mounting- Outdoor LED SCBD .......................... Drawing B-242731
Assy: Horn Card Installation- Gen III and IV Drivers ............................. Drawing B-302328
1. Locate the horn entrance panel (see Section 1.2). There should be a 2" knockout on
this panel. Remove this knockout. If the knockout has not been provided, use
Drawing A-83502 as a guide to drill one
" hole and two
" holes in the panel.
Note 1: Be careful not to damage any internal components when drilling!
Note 2: The knockout may have been removed at the factory.