CompX eLock Temperature Calibration User Manual

Temperature monitoring

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Single point calibration of the CompX temperature monitoring eLock can only be done in conjunction with LockView® v3.0 software.

1 Place thermistor (green bottle) on its side at a known temperature value for 30 minutes;

2 Connect temperature monitoring eLock to LockView® v3.0;

3 Login to LockView® v3.0;

4 Click on Read/Write Lock, and under Connection tab Connect To Lock;

5 Click on Window in the upper left hand corner of the screen;

6 Click on More Windows…;

7 Enter cal3 in the window code;

8 Click OK;


The system will display the calibration value that is currently in the connected eLock (as seen below) and allow it to be changed.

9 Adjust the calibration value;


A change of +/- 100 units will have an incremental affect of about 0.5°C (0.9°F) at 25°C (77°F).

10 Click OK;

11 Click on Read/Write Lock again, and under the Connection tab choose Disconnect From Lock;

12 Compare the temperature displayed on the eLock with the known temperature value;

13 Repeat steps 4 through 12 until the displayed eLock temperature and the known temperature value are the same.

Below are instructions for performing

Single Point Calibration of CompX Temperature Monitoring eLock.


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Temperature Monitoring