Cabasse Оcean User Manual

Page 22

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e n g l i s h

8. ERROR MESSAGE: the signal/noise ratio is not sufficient for a
proper measurement. If the loudspeaker did produce pink noise,
achieve room silence and start the measurements again by pres-
sing 1 button. If the system is silent, check all the connections
(microphone, optical cable between DAP and the speakers) and
start all over again.

9. Validate «Continue» if the conditions of the first measure-
ment look fine. If for instance an unexpected noise (sneeze, car
horn, etc..) occurred during the measurement, validate «Retry».
Validate «Cancel» to stop the CRCS protocol.

10. Place the microphone on P1: main listening position at
equal distance from both tweeters and at the listener’s ear level.
Validate with



11. The second step of the measurements is in progress. The
signal to be measured will come first from the right speaker,
then from the left one.

12. Validate the continuation of the protocol if measurements
conditions look fine.

13. Place the microphone on P2. If there is no 2nd favorite liste-
ning spot, place the microphone 1 m right, 30 cm above and 30
cm behind P1. Validate the launch of the measurement session
and validate «Continue» when OK for next step.

14. Place the microphone on P3: if there is no 3rd listening
place, position the microphone between P1 and P3. Validate
the launch of the measurement session and validate «Continue»
when OK for next step.

15. Microphone on P4: close to the rear wall, at a height equal-
ling 2/3 of the floor-ceiling distance, e.g. at 1.70 m from the
floor for a 2.50 m high ceiling.

16. Microphone on P5: close to a side wall, at a height equalling
2/3 of the floor-ceiling distance.

17. Validate «Continue» when OK for next step.

18. The 5 measurement steps have been completed. Validate
with 1


19. The CRCS program analyses the measurements and calcu-
lates the corrections to be applied.

20. ERROR MESSAGE: the program has determined one incon-
sistency between the measurements and has not been able to
calculate the tweeter-microphone distances for each measure-
ment point. Validate «Cancel» with 1 and start the protocole
again from point 1.

21. The calculation and set up of the corrections is almost done.
This phase can last several minutes.

22. The last measurement step consists in a fine tuning of the
spectrum balance with favorite and or reference recordings such
as the Cabasse SACD/CD.

CAB ocean-v6.indd 22

10/10/11 11:29